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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft released

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It seems i am late on this, but wtf. I have been on ubuntu for almost 6 months now. Well not actually ubuntu but xubuntu. Since my PC is an old one, i am not able to use the latest KDE. So i installed XFCE as my desktop manager, its light and it works(TM) . The latest version of ubuntu promises to be much more polished and efficient.

From the site i can see that it has a lot of new features, like the newer init system. It seems upgrading it is not advised but some people have reported that it went ok for them. I think i would do a full install instead of the upgradation because i have experimented heavily with my current version and i just need to take a backup of my home dir and htdocs directory and i am good to go.

Now some caveats, from what i have read it seems the newer ubuntu has replaced bash with dash as their default shell. Some people are complaining about this issue and we have to just wait and watch for the repercussions.

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